Konrad Xuereb interviewed by NetTV on KonceptX Malta Metro proposal (20-10-2021)

The Malta metro – discussion on Television Malta (26-10-2021)

KonceptX were structural engineers for this recently completed deep basement in challenging ground conditions, beneath the garden of a Grade II Listed building in Knightsbridge

image by 📷 David Butler Read more in Portfolio
“Malta has reached saturation point, and we can’t keep widening roads and chopping down trees”. LovinMalta article on 11/2/2021

Dr Konrad Xuereb interviewed by LovinMalta on Malta metro proposal 11/2/2021

Watch on Facebook: https://fb.watch/3DvFqMkkr3/
‘Urgent need to shift to a mass transit system’. Dr Konrad Xuereb interviewed by NetLive on 9/2/2021

From minute 23 to 39. https://netondemand.mt/play/16031
“Laying tracks for a greener future” Article on Sunday Times of Malta on 31/1/2021
‘Is-sostenibbilità fis-seħħ’ discussion on Campus FM. Aired on 15/1/2021

‘Is-sostenibbilità fis-seħħ’ discussion on Campus FM. Aired on 15/1/2021