KonceptX Malta Metro proposal – laying tracks for a green future
KonceptX Malta Metro proposal – laying tracks for a green future https://konceptx.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Malta-metro-KonceptX.mp4
Internship at KonceptX
We are pleased to welcome Ginevra and Matteo from Piemonte, Italy as interns in our Malta studio.
Talk on KonceptX Malta metro plans at The Engineering Club in London on 9/12/2021
The Engineering Club | We (Wish we had) Made That! 2021
Konrad Xuereb interviewed by NetTV on KonceptX Malta Metro proposal (20-10-2021)
The Malta metro – discussion on Television Malta (26-10-2021)
KonceptX were structural engineers for this recently completed deep basement in challenging ground conditions, beneath the garden of a Grade II Listed building in Knightsbridge
image by 📷 David Butler Read more in Portfolio
“Malta has reached saturation point, and we can’t keep widening roads and chopping down trees”. LovinMalta article on 11/2/2021
Dr Konrad Xuereb interviewed by LovinMalta on Malta metro proposal 11/2/2021
Watch on Facebook: https://fb.watch/3DvFqMkkr3/
‘Urgent need to shift to a mass transit system’. Dr Konrad Xuereb interviewed by NetLive on 9/2/2021
From minute 23 to 39. https://netondemand.mt/play/16031